ok its Saturday and this year I've decided I'm going to blog every Saturday and maybe more if ive got a lot to say.
so the start of the new year brought a really good project which kick started us all into gear for the rest of the year. i really enjoyed the project bit i was very exhausted after day3, i', not going into as much detail in this blog as my evaluation of the project
The project we were set was to create an animatic for "NUFSED" in which we would promote and improve their public image and public awareness in a positive way.
The working teams were set as roughly 5animators and 2 script writers, and our group was given the genre of dramatic narrative. We instantly set about brainstorming ideas in which we decided to do "Goldilocks and the three bears", but with a twist being that the bears were either very camp or gay

ok here's the rough storyboard .so as the story goes, this slutty Goldilocks character wearing skimpy clothing finds a log cabin in the mountains, she burst in without welcome and sees cocktails on the bar. after enjoying the drinks she then tries out the chairs in front of the fire and enjoys herself. she notices a sauna soon after and skips over grabbing a towel on the rail. now this isn't a conventional sauna, its powered by a dragon and goldy ramps up the steam to relax. shortly after the three bears return from their skiing trip, but these bears are like the original three bears in goldilocks; they are all gay bears and are proud of it. upon entering they do notice something's different...but o well "Sauna time!" towel whipping time hurray!, but what's this? a towel is missing, the bears look inside the sauna to find a young woman in there. from Goldilocks' perspective it looks like 3 angry bears just got back and a tense moments passes, when the bears start asking where she gets her nails done.... ok she soon realises these bears aren't so bad after all...so Party time!

I found myself taking on a variety of roles in our project this was mainly due to the fact that if I hadn't im not sure it would have got finished to be honest. I found myself making a lot of the decisions and basically co-produced with Craig. im trying not to repeat what ive put in my evaluation so im going to talk about some of the fun stuff.
i really enjoyed voice acting with jake doing the voices of the three bears. Gunter to the top of the page is the bear i played...the really gay German one lol. i also had good fun coming up with the bizarre parts within our story, like a dragon powered sauna.
jake was behind some of the bizarre concepts of the bears, this next one was a half done image before he could finish, but the concept is pretty funny.

I knew that I had missed a lot of the sound effects we had recorded due to being over the deadline and had to prioritise the actual speech clips. The viewing went well I thought our very humorous voice acting made up for the lack of viewing content on show, everyone laughed and enjoyed ours. I know for a fact that without the sound the project wouldn't have seemed half as good.
even after the project being so hectic I did enjoy it, I enjoyed taking a lead role, and enjoyed working with everyone and couldn't thank the writers enough for their help especially in the last day. I learnt a lot about working in a team and a major issue I found was file management, that was probably the hardest thing to sort out. we had so many different file names we couldn't tell what was what.
another thing is I think we needed a better plan of when work had to be finished as we were working on backgrounds and such in the last hour still.
as a whole I think the project was a success, I don't think it animation wise it was as good as the other animatics by that I mean just moving sections in the clips. the only section within ours that had movement was the sections where I animated the steam in the sauna shot with goldilocks and the bears walking in the back ground. but saying that I think everyone did enjoy our piece purely from our gay voice acting.
I think everyone in the class learnt a lot and it was a great start to the year, a very exhausting start but we've all got our running shoes on now.
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