Thursday, 12 November 2009

chiefs buffalo legs!

oh and havent i gone mad with this project, but after a super charge to the finish line ive finished this project already. basicly the idea was that we had a selection of music to choose from and then we experiment with animation techniques. i chose to use cut outs which i used a stupid and long winded method to create each part, but it was well worth it. rip up loads of paper, glue it on to card, draw the shape, and cut it out...wasn't always as simple as that. great tip i learnt from Derek was to use a cotton thread behind any joints the cutouts had, this acted as if the cutout had a skeleton holding it together, which really helped when taking pictures and general movement of the cutouts. the video here will probably quite bad due to resolution size, but atleasts its a taster.

i really wanted to make this project quite unusual so after listening to the song i decided i wanted some sort of chase scene which involved Indians and buffalo's, crazy as it may seem but it seemed a good idea, and the iceing on the cake was to make this all an elaborate marketing sceme for "CHIEFS buffalo legs". doesnt really make much sense either but i thought it seemed strange and there inst anywhere saying that the video isnt for advertisement purposes

ill more than likely post some "the making of" pics just to show what i did during the process.


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